Xmind AI Xmind AI is an innovative workplace powered by AI, where teams collaborate on ideas seamlessly and shape the future of creativity together.
麦耳会记 麦耳会记是思必驰旗下一款集实时语音转写,实时翻译功能为一体的应用软件,主要应用于办公会议、学生网课、客户访谈录音等场景。软件支持边录音、边转写,录音结束后,音频、文本实时同步至PC端、手机端。采用云端存储资料的方式,无论是办公、地铁,还是旅游途中,都可以随时随地查看文档或音频。
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Merlin Free ChatGPT Chrome extension to answer your queries, summarize videos, articles, pdf, and websites, write emails, and write content on social media.
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