Coda AI Coda brings teams and tools together for a more organized work day. Learn why 40,000+ teams use Coda to supercharge their work days and foster collaborative workflows. Create a professional chart for free with the first AI-powered graph maker. Make custom bar charts, scatter plots, pie charts, histograms, and line charts in seconds.
Gnomic智能体 Gnomic智能体平台,基于汇智智能自主研发的Carrot AI大模型和专利的“数字生命”技术,致力于提供最先进的人工智能交互体验;并面向企业、协会、组织等各类型B端用户,提供深度定制化的智能体解决方案。
讯飞智文 讯飞智文,由科大讯飞推出的一键生成ppt/word产品。根据一句话、长文本、音视频等指令智能生成文档,同时支持在线编辑、美化、排版、导出、一键动效、自动生成演讲稿等功能,让AI全流程服务到底。