反谱AI 实现识别五线谱图片,将五线谱图片转成简谱、将音乐(如 mp3、flac、ogg 等格式)中的旋律转换成人能辨识的音乐符号(如 MIDI 格式或五线谱或简谱文件),支持在线 MIDI 编辑创作下载导出。实现将带有人声演唱的音乐分离成只有乐器演奏的伴奏和只有人声演唱的声音、可用于BGM制作的免费应用。实现识别五线谱图片或PDF文件。
Clipchamp AI旁白生成器 Free video editing tool everyone can use. Get started in your browser, download the Windows app or create on the go with your mobile. Clipchamp's smart tools and royalty-free content help you create in minutes. Export in 4K and share in an instant.
WellSaid Labs Create professional voice overs with the leading enterprise-grade AI Voice Generator. Produce with the highest quality voice with WellSaid Studio and API.
Uberduck Generate high-quality voices by synthesizing your text with Uberduck's realistic voices or your own custom voices.
NaturalReader NaturalReader: Free Text to Speech for Online, Mobile App, Commercial license and Education with AI voices.