ChatMind Chatmind, del equipo Xmind, es una herramienta gratuita en línea de mapeo mental AI y lluvia de ideas impulsada por chat GPT 4, te ayuda a crear un mapa mental en minutos.
Decktopus AI Decktopus is an AI presentation maker, that will create amazing presentations in seconds. You only need to type the presentation title and your presentation is ready.
ChatDOC Dive into PDFs like never before with ChatDOC. Let AI summarize long documents, explain complex concepts, and find key information in seconds.
讯飞智文 讯飞智文,由科大讯飞推出的一键生成ppt/word产品。根据一句话、长文本、音视频等指令智能生成文档,同时支持在线编辑、美化、排版、导出、一键动效、自动生成演讲稿等功能,让AI全流程服务到底。
亿图图示AI A股上市公司万兴科技旗下亿图软件可让您轻松绘制流程图,思维导图,信息图,组织架构图,网络拓扑图,户型图,电路图等210种绘图类型。上万模板免费下载,一定程度可替代Visio。广泛应用于办公教育领域。
Timely Timely's AI-powered time tracking software helps teams track their time accurately to report client, project, and work hours easily.