Image to Music V2 We’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
反谱AI 实现识别五线谱图片,将五线谱图片转成简谱、将音乐(如 mp3、flac、ogg 等格式)中的旋律转换成人能辨识的音乐符号(如 MIDI 格式或五线谱或简谱文件),支持在线 MIDI 编辑创作下载导出。实现将带有人声演唱的音乐分离成只有乐器演奏的伴奏和只有人声演唱的声音、可用于BGM制作的免费应用。实现识别五线谱图片或PDF文件。
马克配音(TTSMaker) TTSMaker(马克配音)是一个免费的AI配音平台,可以将文本转换成语音,支持50多种语言和300多种语音风格,包括各种热门短视频声音,强大的神经网络使语音听起来更加自然,您可以在线试听,或者按mp3、wav格式下载音频文件。
Adobe语音增强 Next generation audio from Adobe is here. Record, transcribe, edit, share. Crisp and clear, every time.
LALAL.AI Split vocal and instrumental tracks quickly and accurately with LALAL.AI. Upload any audio file and receive high-quality extracted tracks in a few seconds. AI Voice Generator in 20 languages. 120+ realistic text to speech voices to create the perfect AI voiceover. Go instantly from text to voice with ease.