墨刀AI 墨刀是A股上市公司万兴科技旗下的在线一体化产品设计协作平台,集原型设计、协作、流程图、思维导图为一体,支持团队项目实时协作和管理,金融级数据安全保障,还支持私有化部署,是产品经理、设计师和技术开发团队必备工具。
FigJam Al Figma is the leading collaborative design tool for building meaningful products. Seamlessly design, prototype, develop, and collect feedback in a single platform.
TripoSR We’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
美间 美间(www.meijian.com)是专注于家居设计营销谈单的网站,免费为设计师、业主提供海量正版设计素材、谈单PPT模板、图片素材、平面素材、彩平图、软装搭配素材、海报模板等,装修效果图一键再创作,让其10秒搞定设计方案、谈单PPT,并有高佣返现。美间设计,让家居设计更简单,更高效!
Creatie.ai Creatie.ai goes beyond being a design tool; it embodies a belief in the transformative potential of AI to enhance the design process without supplanting it. We are enthusiastic about AI's capacity to democratize creation and expedite processes.