麦耳会记 麦耳会记是思必驰旗下一款集实时语音转写,实时翻译功能为一体的应用软件,主要应用于办公会议、学生网课、客户访谈录音等场景。软件支持边录音、边转写,录音结束后,音频、文本实时同步至PC端、手机端。采用云端存储资料的方式,无论是办公、地铁,还是旅游途中,都可以随时随地查看文档或音频。
FormX.ai Utilize a secure data extraction API to extract information from unstructured documents such as invoices, receipts, bank statements, and more to integrate with your existing system.
Rows Discover Rows, the easiest way to import, transform and share data on a spreadsheet. Build live data report connected to your sources and automate data analysis with AI.
Powerpresent AI Create amazing presentations 10x faster with AI. Just enter a topic or some text and let Present AI do the rest.
Airgram Use Airgram to automatically record, transcribe, and summarize meetings to streamline workflow. Works perfectly with Zoom, Google Meet, Teams & Webex.